Talk about your recent reads here with your fellow community members!

Everyone is welcome to discuss and share ideas on what they’ve been reading this past week.

You can write a whole thesis or just a sentence. Ask for recommendations or give them. Whatever you feel like. The goal is to get users talking so the more the merrier. Just remember to be respectful because we’re all here to talk about what we love and have fun while doing so.

    2 years ago

    A Useless Idol and the Only Fan in the World
    All hail Urumin. We’re slowly getting close to the end of pre-serialization parts and I can’t wait to see how things expand from there.

    Power Antoinette
    Story about a buff Marie Antoinette who escapes her execution and bashes her way through Paris. It’s silly, it’s fun, it’s only 4 chapters long (translation that is, original version is on volume 2).
    Not a huge fan of muscles being a temporary buff (even if they’re active for most of story so far) but it is what it is.

      2 years ago

      I also wrote this over in the chapter thread, but I have really appreciated the additions to the story in the serialized version that are from Urumin’s POV. Seeing how she interacts with her fellow idols has been great to see.