Since when do Windows users have sense?
And apple users had money.
Linux users still have money
In fact, linux users save money from not spending to buy an OS license or overpriced laptops. But I get the point of the meme, macs are expensive so the assumption is the people who buy them have money.
They did back when that was the windows logo.
A sense of dread
aT LEaZt iT wErKz
Maybe they don’t spend thousands of dollars on Apple products? idk
Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after me.
Just cause I’m paranoid doesn’t mean I’m not right
deleted by creator
But also being constantly paranoid isn’t fun
What Apple users don’t have: Kidney
I don’t have a car, actually. I stay winning.
well depends on the sense youre talking about there
OP is a huge troll, they created their own community to hate on linux and ban anyone who doesn’t agree with them even slightly. They’re also deliberately using the auto remove function to obscure the content of the removed comments.
Personally I dont hate them, anyone who takes lemmy that seriously should touch grass. Yeah obviously they’re a troll but arguably they’re the funny type of troll.
for other topics it would be fine, but linux? the geneva convention calls out madthumbs by name
oh alright then
they banned me!
I am paranoid on android ;)
hello paranoid on android ;), im fest
Now go downvote posts on a vegan community.
What a fucking looser.
huh? hows windows related to anti veganism im confused
Going to linux community to shit on linux is the same as going to a vegan community to shit on veganism.
that makes sense, thanks
Is the “Windows Users” font Comic Sans? If so, that’s very apropos.
HoW Did YoU GEt AcCEss To My SCreen? That’s it I’m writing that wayland pipeline that prints to dot matrix.
While you’re at it, would you mind implementing good braille support for wayland?