Been doing that for the past 15 years or so, being able to use group policy is essential with Windows. I’m pretty sure my son really wants to upgrade his last computer (to Linux), but I may have more work to convince the wife.
I always just bought grey market keys (for Pro/Enterprise), in nearly 20 years I never had one fail or quit working randomly.
Oh they aren’t shared, he is holding out because he believes he’ll have gaming issues; my wife on the other hand, just doesn’t want to make the switch yet.
They will pay for enterprise licenses and be able to disable and delete it.
Only us plebs get whipped.
Exactly. Group policies give lots of control to mass enable/disable features.
It’s one of the reasons to pirate Enterprise Windows instead of Home/Pro, so you can write your own group policies for your own device.
Been doing that for the past 15 years or so, being able to use group policy is essential with Windows. I’m pretty sure my son really wants to upgrade his last computer (to Linux), but I may have more work to convince the wife.
I always just bought grey market keys (for Pro/Enterprise), in nearly 20 years I never had one fail or quit working randomly.
Why would your wife need to be convinced?
When my gf buys a new laptop she hands it to me and says:
Mine Linuxes it herself and has strong distro preferences.
Because she still like the familiarity of Windows. She doesn’t do anything specific to Windows, just doesn’t want to leave it yet.
I thought it was your son’s computer, not a shared one
Oh they aren’t shared, he is holding out because he believes he’ll have gaming issues; my wife on the other hand, just doesn’t want to make the switch yet.
I probably could have phrased it better.