It’s hard to choose, there’s just so many great songs. Maybe it depends on what you’re in the mood in.
Right now, it’s “In My Life”.
Rocky Raccoon.
I can’t hear it without smiling.
It’s such a fun little song.
While my guitar gently weeps. I don’t know why but I just love that one.
My wife says “Blackbird” and she is right ❤️
Something. Followed by Michelle.
Ooof. This is like asking me to pick my favorite child! Probably something off of Rubber Soul.
Tomorrow Never Knows
Eleanor Rigby, by far. Very different, and one I have always enjoyed since I was a kid
Have you heard Zoot’s cover? It’s very different again but I love it.
And your bird can sing! Specifically the recording from Anthology 2 where you can hear John and Paul laughing
Eight Days a Week. Generally not a huge fan of the Beatles but that’s a banger.
I Saw Her Standing There
It’s certainly not one of their many compositional masterpieces, but I really love this song because of how quintessential it is of that very early British pop invasion style with the catchy twangy guitar melody.
Pretty hard to choose, TBH. I’ll go with 3:
- A Day in the Life
- Here Comes the Sun
- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Those would probably be my top 3 normally.
Usually Come Together. It’s awesome.
A Day in the Life. It was the first song I played for my son after he was born.
Paperback writer!