So for people who don’t know the story I did an AMA for my friend 2 weeks ago I think ,two ones in fact
My friend lived for 7 months during the war but did manage to go to Egypt ,his house was destroyed (bombed) ,some of his uncles and relatives such as his cousins were martyred as well as friends ,they survived horrifying experiences ,like seeing kids with their heads cut off ,seeing people being stripped naked in the streets and getting beat up ,cars and vans and roads being bombed ,helicopters bombing balconies ,
For the longest time he’s refused to do a go fund me ,but it seemed that he accepted it due to how much he needs help now
As for the AMA’s I did for him This is Number 1 This is number 2
My Korean Friend from the States is helping him with the go fund me
Here is the one we made him
Also I have a question to the moderators ,my friend Mahmoud (the gazan) wants to make an account here but isn’t an anarchist/ communist (yet lol) and might have some reactionary views on certain social issues ,I promised him to ask because he wanted a place where he can talk freely about Palestine and the Resistance and this is pretty much the only place I know where he wing find people who will break his heart in an issue like this
What do you say mods ?
Anyhow more importantly
Please donate
I mean just have him make an account here, he doesn’t need permission to make an account! If he starts posting some seriously reactionary shit, he’ll get banned and he can make another account. As long as he avoids saying reactionary shit he’ll be fine, and even if he does he just gets banned until he stops doing that or changes his views, it’s not a big deal. Have him start posting with us!
Wow really ?
He won’t post reactionary stuff
Oh wait I guess my understanding is outdated, apparently you do need to fill out an application to sign up now, that used to not be the case. Regardless I think he should still fill out an application and sign up, as long as he’s not posting reactionary stuff I don’t foresee the mods having an issues, and it’d honestly end up being a positive for him to see so many diverse people supporting Palestine, could help eat away those reactionary brainworms!
Haha you’re right
Also I have a question to the moderators ,my friend Mahmoud (the gazan) wants to make an account here but isn’t an anarchist/ communist (yet lol) and might have some reactionary views on certain social issues ,I promised him to ask because he wanted a place where he can talk freely about Palestine and the Resistance and this is pretty much the only place I know where he wing find people who will break his heart in an issue like this
Why not Lemmygrad?
All he needs to know is the importance of anti-imperialism/critical support, and socialism, but when it comes to cultural/social progressivism, it’s much more lax, compared to Hexbear, but he prolly needs to be quiet on such issues and listen in the meanwhile…
I mean he’s anti imperialist ofc but idk how leemygard works is basically like a sister website to and the rest of
It is federated with both websites, so you can communicate with one and the other there…, for example, can post in Hexbear, despite being from Lemmygrad
Hi im one of the mysterious lemmygraders
bumping amber whataboutism
How do people in Palestine cash out? Isn’t the entire financial system shut down? I want to donate and help but I need to know the money isn’t going to the right people
Our Korean friend from the states is helping with this
Also my friend is in Egypt not in Gaza
Bump amber whataboutism
What does this mean 😭
Its the promt for the 2 bots which comment and make the post rise in the main page from the engagement
People in the mutual aid comm do it to rise up those posts and so more people see them
Thank you so much ,I will owe you this mu entire life 🙏