Oh, and apparently people only support Palestine because “They’re losing.” And “It doesn’t matter whose wrong or right they’re both just fighting for survival. Who cares about supporting either of them.”
Other highlight “Palestine has homophobia built into it’s law. Like Russia.” Said by a cis person too lmao
Hahahaha fuck me I wish I had the energy and skill to school people like this but I just can’t be bothered hahaha I’m so tired.
“Both sides bad” types are even more insufferable than out Zionists sometimes.
Earlier today, I watched a livestream debate regarding the controversy that this Zionist vegan dude got for making this post. In this debate, he was having a discussion with an anti-Zionist vegan that he invited on, Catherine Klein.
His arguments were beyond abysmal, and among them was this “Palestinians are homophobic and misogynistic, so that justifies the wrath that Israel is bringing upon them!” pinkwashing type of shit. In addition, he also veganwashed by bringing up the fact that Isn’trael has a relatively high vegan population as a contrast to the fact that Palestinian Arabs are mostly Muslims and Muslims celebrate Eid Al-Adha. I shit you not.
I didn’t agree with Catherine on everything she said obviously, but I talked to her personally both before and after she had this debate, and I was even able to correct the nature of some of the things she said in a way that she could digest it, like the fact that she ConDEMnEd hamaS.
Ultimately, she and I obviously agree that this guy’s reactionary bullshit that he tries to spill into the vegan movement is massive amounts of insufferable cringe.
This reminded me of a comment I saw years ago on reddit (r/vegancirclejerk to be precise) someone was stanning Isntreal because they have a large portion of vegans and attributed the fact to them suffering from the Holocaust and thus understanding how that works within the meat industry.
Yeah that’s all well and good but they’re literally doing a Holocaust 2 to Palestinians! Liberals and their consequences I swear to fuck
A little tangential to your point because it doesn’t justify Israel’s actions or anything, but there’s a really good book I just wanted to share called Eternal Treblinka that explores the views of holocaust survivors in relation to animals, among other things. I imagine the person you talked with read this, but had some twisted takeaways.
“In relation to them, all people are Nazis; for the animals it is an eternal Treblinka.”
Hitler was a vegetarian and he fucking committed the Holocaust. Plenty of fascists who like animals more than minorities
he didn’t care about animals, it was purely health/gi tract issues cause by his meat-heavy
diet and his doctors told him he had to cut out meat but he still had cheat meals and found it difficult to give up
on and off, but yeah. A large portion of the population being vegan is the only good thing about Israhell. Most moral army with their vegan boots that they use to crush baby skulls.
No thanks, I don’t want honey on my tea, I can’t bring myself to inflict suffering on other living beings. But be quick about it, my break is about to end and I have to get back to sniping racially inferior children.
Israel is the fourth largest consumer of beef in the world per capita, trailing just behind Argentina, Brazil, and the United States. The average Israeli consumes over 19 kilograms of meat every single year.
No thanks, I don’t want honey on my tea, I can’t bring myself to inflict suffering on other living beings. But be quick about it, my break is about to end and I have to get back to sniping racially inferior children.