Note: It seems this repo might be a bit out of date. Thanks to, some alternatives to consider:
- list of forks for leereilly/games
- libregames
this repo has been stale for years now
and despite Lee still being active in GitHub circles, he ignores the issue and refuses to invite other maintainers or even change ownership of the repo to someone else or some group of maintainers.Someone who is interested in continuing it should just fork it.
people already did, many times
and then the original repo’s issue tracker is full of issue where people say that they have made a fork
and no consesus on which of these forks is to be blessed a go-to successor
so currently we have an outdated repo and a lot of fragmentation among successors.Story of open source. Everyone needs to create their own version if even one thing is not to their liking. 🤣
Thanks for pointing this out, I had no idea. If someone wants to point me towards an active/popular fork of this repo, I’m happy to add that to this post.
Apparently Lee is organising GitHub Game-Off 2023, so that might be a place where you will be able to get some of his attention.
Go look into repo’s issue tracker and find all the posts where people say that they made a fork, or are in other ways interested in getting the repo more up to date. Then message them all, organise them together. Maybe even set up a Github Organisation (fancy name for a “group of users”), and when you have everything set in place, bother Lee until he transfers repo ownership to that organisation.
This is then probably better as a wiki, but I do understand why people choose github repositories for the curated nature of them.
There are better options IMO libregames and OSGL. There is also a list of forks here