I’ll put the exact files in GitHub later. I use Kitty with the Gruvbox theme and some custom fonts, lots of bold, and transparency. Kitty is awesome cause it comes with a TON of theme pre-loaded.
What are you guys using?
Nothing interesting it’s xfce-terminal with GreyBird. Simple, but it does the job.
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Hm, might try that. I’m not much into fancying my terminal or desktop for that matter. I usually use the defaults, whatever they might be.
Tmux running in foot, themed with nordic.
Konsole 1.6.6 (TDE 14.1.0, so very old-fashioned compared to what now ships with KDE), with the “Transparent, Dark Background” built-in schema and Courier New font (since I’ve been using it as my preferred monospace font for so long that other options are distracting). Title bar and other widgets adopt my dark and weird system theme as they’re supposed to do.
Bash on Terminator with powerline theme from Oh-My-Bash. I think the colors are the generic Linux colors in Terminator.
On a seperate note, I’ve recently started using GNOME. I like it, but it’s really difficult to find a terminal emulator that matches the theming as far as title bar and window decorations go (Im not a fan of the GNOME console, it’s not as easily customisable as I’d like). They’ve all had white title bars which clash with my dark theming. The only one I’ve found that works nicely is Black Box, which I have been enjoying, but I can’t figure out how to blur the background (maybe I do this through the compositor prefs? I’ve tried setting it in blur my shell but it doesn’t seem to work), so i’d like more suggestions
I’ve tried Kitty and Alacritty, as those are the ones I’ve used in the past, along with Konsole, but that seems sacrilegious so I haven’t tried it with GNOME.
I’ll come back and post pics of my Konsole setup on my main rig in the spirit of the post once I get home :) I use fish and custom theming
I don’t know enough about titlebars on gnome to understand where your white issue is coming from, but one other to try is Wezterm.
Wezterm looks promising, I’ll give it a shot when I get home 👍👍
I use Emacs (and libvterm) for almost all my terminal’y needs 😅
In rare cases where I need a terminal outside Emacs, I use Alacritty.
Here’s the relevant config from
:font: normal: family: Noto Sans Mono Medium bold: style: Bold family: Noto Sans Mono size: 9.0 # the venerable Solarized Light color theme (https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/) colors: primary: background: '0xfdf6e3' foreground: '0x9d9683' normal: black: '0x073642' red: '0xdc322f' green: '0x859900' yellow: '0xb58900' blue: '0x268bd2' magenta: '0xd33682' cyan: '0x2aa198' white: '0xeee8d5' bright: black: '0x002b36' red: '0xcb4b16' green: '0x586e75' yellow: '0x657b83' blue: '0x839496' magenta: '0x6c71c4' cyan: '0x93a1a1' white: '0xfdf6e3'
On my gitlab (I use kitty): https://gitlab.com/theshatterstone/dotfiles
st (simple terminal from Suckless) with Solarized Dark color scheme. That’s it - it’s super fast, super simple, super lightweight, and still looks really pleasing. That is, if I am in a window-manager-workflow-mood (then in combination with dwm); otherwise I use the TTY with default configuration, except for the color scheme also being Solarized Dark. Why so minimal? I have a really old ThinkPad and it runs really smoothly with those configurations in Debian.
Terminator. Running bash with oh-my-posh and the night-owl theme, with the SauceCode Pro font.
Foot terminal, with gruvbox theme, starship prompt, and ComicShannsMono Nerd Font.
Nushell with power10k. Nushell is just neat. For theme I don’t currently remember, but the font I use is FiraCode, has been a favourite of mine for a long time.