New list is up! Some good stuff for me this week it looks like,

Termite Mound #1 - I’ll look at it if my shop has it, looks weird, I know nothing but the cover.

DC Horror Presents #1 - Not huge on the whole DC verse but do love horror, may look at this too.

From The DC Vault Death In The Family Robin Lives #4 - I do like Batman though sometimes!

Creepshow Volume 3 #2 - Creepshow is what Epitaphs of the Abyss wishes it could be. I wish they’d just make it an ongoing rather than seasonal but as long as they keep making them with some regularity I won’t complain.

Moon Is Following Us #2 - #1 was interesting, seems to be about basically a kid who got Matrixed into their own dreams and can’t get out, and the parents have to enter the kid’s dreamworld and adventure-to-rescue.

Nullhunter #1- “NULLHUNTER is a kinetic cyberpunk retelling of the Labors of Hercules.” Huh, neat, I’ll bite.

Universal Monsters Frankenstein #3 - I love the old Universal films, and this comic has been doing them justice.

That’s it for me, what’s on your lists this week?

  • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    5 months ago

    Holy crap! It’s Monday already???

    DEN Volume 4 Dreams And Alarums HC

    1 more to go in the Den hardcover collection, love some classic Richard Corben.

    Action Comics #1072

    Batman The Brave And The Bold #18

    Dazzler #2

    Flash #14

    Green Arrow #17

    Green Lantern Dark #1 - New Elseworlds, looks really cool!

    Human Fly #1 - This is bizarre! OK, so the Human Fly was a real life stuntman back in the 70s.

    He inspired a 19 issue Marvel comics series:

    Looks like the rights have been picked up by some tiny no-name publisher.

    Hunger And The Dusk Book Two #3

    John Constantine Hellblazer Dead In America #10 - 2nd to last issue!

    Nightwing #119 - New writer following an iconic run. No pressure!

    Power Girl #14

    Rook Exodus #6

    Spider-Society #3

    Superman #19

    X-Factor #3

    X-Men #6

    Zatanna Bring Down The House #5 - Final issue!