Shattered Pixel Dungeon- v2.5.2, desktop linux, github version
So today I opened up Shattered Pixel Dungeon and discovered that my pastry had transformed into a pumpkin pie for Halloween. I am not really a fan of real world time influencing games in general, since it hurts immersion for me. I also do not like my items in my inventory transforming on their own accord, and I do not really like Halloween either. Is there a way that I can either disable the holiday events? Alternatively, is there a way I can spoof the date/time so that the real world never affects my gameplay?
Thank you.
Yes, it’s easy. Download the source code, remove the relevant bits, and recompile it for your platform.
Earn a new badge: compiled it yourself! Hero programmer unlocked.
@leftascenter @CrayonRosary ah… who wouldn’t like to play a class that has no combat relevant specialities, but likes to spend time in dark dungeons nonetheless?
New character: Jeff No abilities or starting items, including t1 weapon/armor. Can’t use wands or passively detect traps/secrets (without talisman of foresight). Thrown weapons don’t always go exactly where you throw them and have a 5+[excess strength] range limit. Early game gameplay is running around like a chicken with your head cut off until you find a weapon lying on the ground.
Thanks, I hate this.
I swear this was posted verbatim exactly one year ago.
You’re complaining about a harmless cute easter egg that changes a simple food item into another food item, for a tiny window of time. Seems kind of silly to worry about it.
Look a this post: Literally the same as this one, but more recent. Thinking that they are all the same person with alts, tbf.
Add Faketime to your .desktop for Shattered with a non-holiday date. Be sure to pass
as PD is a Java app.
Thank you. I will look into it.
Boo! 👻