I wouldn’t go so far as to call it toxic waste but fuck anyone pouring industrial chemicals into a storm drain. That’s embarrassing for such a wealthy company.
Should be embarrassing, but it looks like business as usual. Someone obviously decided fines must just be easier to pay if they can’t even be arsed to get a city permit to store the sodium hydroxide (highly corrosive to animal and vegetable) in the first place.
Even the story they’ve come out with - that it’s all good because a fire hydrant JUST HAPPENED to open up upstream at the same time as the coolant non-toxic waste was dumped, and it really diluted all that harmless DYE so our bad for taking too long to tell you about it - is shameless.
You know those giant white plastic cube storage tanks that hold 1000L? They dumped the equivalent of two of those full of toxic waste.
I wouldn’t go so far as to call it toxic waste but fuck anyone pouring industrial chemicals into a storm drain. That’s embarrassing for such a wealthy company.
Should be embarrassing, but it looks like business as usual. Someone obviously decided fines must just be easier to pay if they can’t even be arsed to get a city permit to store the sodium hydroxide (highly corrosive to animal and vegetable) in the first place.
Even the story they’ve come out with - that it’s all good because a fire hydrant JUST HAPPENED to open up upstream at the same time as the
coolantnon-toxic waste was dumped, and it really diluted all that harmless DYE so our bad for taking too long to tell you about it - is shameless.