By that I mean basically unexpected oases in your life where and by whom you feel nurtured and restored and just safe in the moment?

For me, it was a woman at work who became like a mother to me and I’ll think a bit more about physical spaces but that is a very important aspect also

Try not to say your home space cuz that should be a given. Think outside the crib

      5 months ago

      I came across a cat while riding my bike. I pstpstpsted at it for like five minutes, and it kept pretending not to be interested. Then, out of nowhere, it just walked up to me - didn’t even stop to sniff, just went straight in for a headbutt and demanded petting.

      I gave him a full deep-tissue massage, and he loved it, as if no one had ever petted him before. I don’t think I’ve ever met a cat that friendly.