looking for an old fashioned log cabin in the woods. but the logs that the cabin is built from are turds instead of felled trees. i thought that would be easy. but every image generator i’ve tried. simply ignores the turd part and instead shits out a generic log cabin make of wood. i’ve tried extremely specific and exhaustive prompts. but it doesnt matter how i word the prompts. the output is always some generic variation of a standard wooden cabin. what gives?

  • tal@lemmy.today
    5 months ago

    Some generators censor certain words. I can imagine that it’s possible that “shit” or similar is in the list.

    EDIT: Some experimentation with a model (realmixXL) that clearly doesn’t in ComfyUI: I can get a log cabin made of shit, especially if I crank down the prompt term weight, but it doesn’t seem to generate logs made of straight feces. I’d guess that maybe there aren’t enough photographs of straight feces to be able to pick up on that as being an option.


    A (log cabin:.7) made of poop in the woods.

    Other substances clearly work:

    A log cabin made of ice in the woods.