Does anyone has a logical explanation of why Elon is supporting Trump? Why is he going to this length, alienate many of his supporters by supporting an political party. What’s is the end goal, since nothing makes sense right now.

    5 months ago

    No honestly the opposite.

    Hitler did not just target Jewish people and kill. He was absolutely a racist but he was a eugenics racist his views were nonsensical but followed a logic that made sense to him based on his flawed understanding of history and political changes behind his times. Hitler had pride in his race, he expected others to be the same. His ire of the Jews was because he believed they were the cause of the financial ruin his people experienced. He respected the Japanese.

    And he did put them in for profit prisons. He squeezed so much profit from them he didn’t pay for any sort of care for these people and in fact used them as fodder to make medicine and weapons and all sorts of things. Porche, Bayer, BMW, various banking companies, Volkswagen.

    It is really hard to express the financial landscape of how but initially they said Jews may leave but take nothing with you the state owns it now. Those who didn’t leave had their property and labor and eventually lives claimed by the Nazi party that exploded in wealth because they genuinely seized assets from so many in such a short while. Even the shoes taken were sold. Like the literal hair they shaved off people was used for raw material

    Everything was financial. Hitler was not just some demon to kill, that’s what is actually the scariest part all of it was simply business to these people that’s how cold and heartless and completely evil they were.