I mean this in a serious way. Like, I’m so sick of the goddamn spectacle of these ghouls. They smile and lie to us with blood splattered on their faces, chanting their vacuous slogans, forming cults of personality. And every 4 years, we can’t escape their names and poison words being drilled into our fucking heads from every angle. I’m tired, and sick of seeing their faces, I’m always sick of the stress of politics, but it just feels like additional screws being tightened for no discernable gain or benefit.


  • eldavi@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    i’m going to share another one of my coping strategies and this one helps me with the depression:

    we’ve been in this situation before; as we’ve been for centuries; and we’ve not only survived but thrived enough to change public perception despite the efforts of presidents like reagan and both bushes; or “allies” like clinton and biden (emphasis on the quotes); or even institutions like congress & the supreme court and we’ll be here long after trump and his conservative handlers die away. they have the ability to make life difficult, but that’s the extent of their power and it will eventually fade no matter how permanent it appears and we can help each other when they do make it difficult like we did back in the 80’s.

    like the last time i shared my coping strategy, i don’t expect you to agree with any of this. i share it in the hopes that there’s something in it that you can copy/paste if any of it applies to or helps your situation.