I don’t want an AI girlfriend, I just want to think out loud to another person. It helps me think and solve problems on my own. I feel like AI should be perfect for that. However the couple I’ve seen advertised and tried out… Well they essentially are only programmed to be like:

“Let’s change the subject. Maybe this picture will help” blured picture behind a $50 subscription pay wall

And I’m like “no… If I wanted to change the subject I wouldn’t be talking about this subject. I’m not at all interested in $50 AI tits.”

I have a very low bar of expectations. Even if the AI just responds “wow, that’s crazy” to everything that would probably be fine for my needs. More would be better but I do not need lewd pictures and I’m not paying $50 a month lol.

  • Aeao@lemmy.worldOP
    5 months ago

    I guess I should also add for clarity that I’m aware there are chatbots for free out there that can answer questions.

    That’s also not really what I’m looking for either. I don’t need “how can I brew my own mead”

    I’m looking for something in the middle. An AI that responds and remembers previous conversations we’ve had, not pushy with solutions but not a placation machine.

    I’m not looking to pretend it’s real, or that we are in love. A tool to express my thoughts out loud mostly to myself but more interactive than a bathroom mirror.

    Edit: again to clarify. I mentioned my low bar expectation of “wow, that wild”. My high bar, what I really a looking for is an AI that gives responses like “that sounds similar to the problem you mentioned last week, how did you handle that?”

    So I can be like “yeah it is kinda similar, I didn’t think about that”

    That would be the high bar. I’d pay maybe $5 for that experience.

    Final clarifying edit: after reading my own post I’m thinking to myself, if this was posted by someone else I’d answer with something like:

    “Sounds like you’re describing a therapist. AI therapists have a lot of issues but real human ones are getting cheaper with online appointments”

    And that would be a very fair answer. Although I might benefit from a therapist, we all would. I’m talking more about mundane daily thoughts and talking to a therapist daily even online would be expensive.