Does anyone know for reals? Is it like leaded gasoline; the more you use it, the less it seems to matter? /s

    5 months ago

    Avoid and mitigate fumes. Buy a jug of D-Lead hand soap and laundry detergent and use it. Get regular blood tests for lead levels.

    If you have or are regularly around small children, you need to be extremely diligent about the above. That goes for all you idiots obsessed with guns as well. Primers use lead styphnate and create lead vapor everytime you fire. Worse with rifles because your face/body is closer to the expelled gases. Aside from breathing it in, you’re also getting a nice patina of lead residue on your arms, shirt, face, hair, etc. You’re also likely tracking in lead residue from your shoes into your home. If you like to hug your kids or your kids play on the floor, guess what.

    Do NOT fuck with lead. There’s no safe level of exposure, and it can be devastating to the developing brains of children.