Press release

🔴The Popular Front calls for a boycott of the Democratic and Republican parties and stresses the necessity of not voting for advocates of genocide and supporters of colonialism.

• The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine calls on the free people of America, especially the supporters of the Palestinian people, the Palestinian and Arab communities, and the organizations of blacks and minorities, to boycott the Democratic and Republican parties in the American elections scheduled for tomorrow, which share clear colonial goals aimed at exterminating our people and strengthening the Zionist settlement project.

• These two parties were directly involved in the ongoing war of extermination against our Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, and they never concealed their blatant bias in favor of the occupation, and their continued support for its racist policies that target the existence of our Palestinian people and uproot them from their land.

• The positions of the two American parties reflect an explicit adoption of ethnic cleansing, and legitimize the Zionist crimes and massacres against our people, through financial, political and military support for the Zionist entity; the statements of the symbols of these parties also seek to beautify and justify their imperialist policies that adopt a colonial language, which sees the Palestinian people as an obstacle to their alleged “civilizational project”, and their election campaigns ignore the horrific crimes committed daily against Palestinian civilians, especially women and children, in an attempt to cover up the true face of the occupation and legitimize its crimes.

• The Democratic and Republican parties also continue their attempts to attract the support of Zionist lobbies and influential people, in efforts that aim to strengthen the policies of mass displacement and organized repression against the Palestinians.

• In this context, the Popular Front renews its explicit call to all honorable people in American society not to vote for these two parties that use American tax money, which is sucked from the blood of the American people, to support the Zionist genocidal regime.

• The Popular Front sees boycotting these two Zionist parties in tomorrow’s American elections as a moral stance no less important than any other form of solidarity with the Palestinian people and the rights of oppressed peoples. It is also an effective means of struggle to expose the falsehood of American slogans that speak of freedom and human rights. The United States, through its political tools, is trying to exploit these concepts to justify its crimes and consolidate its hegemony over peoples, without caring about the rights of the Palestinians who are subjected to the most heinous types of crimes.

• Finally, the Front considers that the boycott of the two parties is a clear internal message to the American administration and the international system around it that those who collude in shedding the blood of our people and displacing them should not receive the votes of the free people of the world and our communities, who refuse to be contributors to their election or false witnesses to their criminal policy in power.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Department 4-November-2024

Original post by

    5 months ago

    Not what fascism is, but alright. You do you. Good luck with that moral superiority. I’m sure it’ll make a real, tangible difference in the real world any day now.

      5 months ago

      You people have never been stopped by voting; as an aside you’re right, fascism is just the combination of corporate and state power according to Mussolini. I’m sure that’s where all fascists ended it right?

        5 months ago

        you people

        Who exactly do you think I am, what do you think my beliefs are, and what are those opinions based on? And what in the ever loving fuck are you talking about with the rest of your comment?

        My friend, you’ve lost the plot. The OC was about not letting others discourage you from voting, either through false equivalence or impotence-driven abstention. The fact that you somehow took that and turned into a misdirected diatribe against fascism, Mussolini, and the rest is impressive, if not sad.

          5 months ago

          You like all Trump and Harris voters, are a generic genocide supporting fascist. This is based on your multiple comments supporting Biden and Harris, as well as generic neoliberal “lesser evil” logic.

          The rest of my comment makes sense in context, do reread your own comments to get caught up. Or don’t. I’m really not sure I care what a genocide supporter does anymore.

            5 months ago

            Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. I disagree with your opinion that both Trump and Harris voters are genocide supporting fascists, but I can see how the rest of the logic fits if you start with that as your foundational principle.