per Decision Desk, it looks like trump won. I’m starting to see a few outlets like NBC call Pennsylvania for trump, too.

as a trans woman, i’m fucking terrified.

yeah, if you voted for trump this election, after everything over the last ~9 years, you’re fucking evil. straight up evil. lots of people, worldwide, are going to suffer because of this as the world falls deeper under the influence of fascism. take care of yourself, take care of your loved ones, form communities, and be prepared to fight for your lives. we’re going to need each other if we’re going to to make it through this

    5 months ago

    I moved my family from USA to BC last year, not because of Trump, but because I thought we could have a better life here. I did not realize how much better. I feel like I should start building bunk beds in my basement Tyler Durden style for all my friends who are still in the US.

    I can not make sense of this election. I have been pretty pessimistic in the past, but never before would have believed that America was this rotten. The consequences of this will be dire, widespread, and long term.