• yes. yes, it is. Those that didn’t vote failed to stop fascism from rising.

    Even if you think that Democrats are too conservative, the alternative you chose and got is Trump.

    Also the phrase goes “stop fascism at all costs” not “stop fascism at all costs except when the alternative has shifted a bit to the right (but in no way as far as the fascists we would be trying to stop) and now is too conservative for you”

    • BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Those that didn’t vote failed to stop fascism from rising.

      The Democratic party, who failed to rally non-voters and instead chose to try and court Republican voters to their cause, failed to stop fascism from rising.

      Stop blaming voters for politicians running on unpopular policies. I’ve checked repeatedly today, Harris lost Michigan by under 100,000 votes, but there were over 100,000 protest votes during the primary.

      Before the election, 35% of Pennsylvania voters and 37% of Arizona voters polled said they would be more likely to vote for Harris if they would agree to cease weapons shipments to Israel without contingencies. The DNC sent Bill Clinton to lecture the residents of Michigan about why Israel is justified in killing their loved ones instead of, idk, taking a stance that could win you much needed votes in a swing state. They brought Republican after Republican to speak at the DNC, but allotted no time for Palestinian Democrats to speak.

      They gave their own constituents the middle finger, like always, while demanding their unwavering support. All while being more concerned about trying to win over Republicans instead of rallying their own non-voters to the polls.

      Gee, that sure worked out great for them, is that the voter’s fault too? It’s astounding how the same people who were insulting and condescending to conflicted Dem voters the last couple weeks are now screeching and crying that it’s the fault of the people they insulted and bullied that they lost.

      Y’all don’t have mirrors you can look in? Maybe start there, and understand why you can’t dismiss the concerns of entire swaths of your constituency and still feel entitled to their support, regardless of the dire threat that the Democrats didn’t take seriously enough.

      • Prehensile_cloaca @lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Hard to argue against these points. The DNC does not know how to play to win. It’s like they’re all living in 1998. Moreover, they don’t seem to want to win. Which is palpable. They are woefully out of touch and it seems incredibly difficult to pierce the veil of sanctimony that enshrouds the party elites.

        The DNC’s abject blunders have committed America to 12 continuous years now without any effective government. Which is untenable. The message to Dem elites needs to be crystal clear: You aint gotta go home, but you can’t stay here. Retire, or otherwise fuck off.

          • Prehensile_cloaca @lemm.ee
            4 months ago

            “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

            –Upton Sinclair

    • Bertuccio@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      “Vote for my shitty policies or the other guy will have shittier policies” is not a platform.

      The point of a democratic republic is that elected officials enact the policies those who elect them want. If you don’t offer to enact those policies you don’t get elected.

      Yes, non-voters were stupid to not vote for the lesser evil, but the Harris campaign violated the very basis of democracy and thought they could simply use Trump to bully people into voting for them.

      Imagine a system where a fascist Boogeyman is held up every election and people reliably vote against them without regard for who they vote for. The other party could put up whatever shitty candidate they wanted whether they espouse the views of the population or not.

      Not only is that not at all a fucking democracy, it was the documented strategy of the Democratic party! Except it doesn’t fucking work, which they should have learned in 2016.

      • Syrc@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Imagine a system where a fascist Boogeyman is held up every election and people reliably vote against them without regard for who they vote for. The other party could put up whatever shitty candidate they wanted whether they espouse the views of the population or not.

        Except when the other party sees they lose 3/4 elections in a row by putting up fascist boogeymen, they will statistically stop doing that, since it’s a losing strategy. They can only keep doing that because Americans are showing them that they actually like it better than an actual human being.