I have a few questions on how to best behave to be as welcoming and inclusive as possible without sounding bad. I hope you guys don’t hate me.
I’m just a straight male. Are my pronouns he/him? Is that how I should tell people? Do you actually tell them as you meet them ? Do I have to wait for a certain social cue ?
How about online. Should I tell people or have it on my personal profile somewhere?
And about respecting other people’s pronouns. How do i figure them out ? Is it a big faux pas if I don’t before I know them ? Is it a faux pas if I refer to someone I just met and I assumed to be male as he/him?
I’ve never seen anyone referring to anyone irl by non conventional pronouns. Is it an actual thing or is it currently being pushed to make the world a more inclusive place?
I’d love some help with all of this.
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How you look doesn’t make you a man. You could literally have all those physical traits and be a woman or non-binary.
Why is it rude to confirm how you self identify? Is it that horrible being trans or non-binary that people shouldn’t even confirm that you’re cis? How do you think trans people feel when someone assumes their gender based on how they look?
Wow we got the manliest man man over here! Women love him and he gets all the pussy!
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Ofc the whinging about cis comes out. You’re cis by the literal definition of the word. Get over it loser.
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I’m not concerned. I’m just calling you out for being a moron and a transphobe. Your time will come lib.
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saying you’re offended by people not assuming you are a man implies it’s bad to be a different gender, or trans/nb. Idk why you are so scared of people confirming your gender. You are the biggest ❄ on the planet and i cannot wait until you melt.
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So you’re trans, then?
I’m 6’3, 250lbs, 6% bf and non-binary. Also my xad could beat up your dad
I’m sorry. You may be getting it all wrong because right now you just sound like and are acting like a big ol pussy.
Gonna have to call out the misogyny of calling someone a “pussy”.
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