sorry start speculating so early, but I’m really curious

like, who the hell will Republicans run next? Their Trump card is used up (fuck you I won’t apologize for that). I don’t really see anyone else with his broad appeal to take the mantel. Like, maybe some figure in this upcoming administration emerges, but… I don’t really see how. Seems like they’re stuck running just another party apparatchik.


The liberals in the walls whisper, they say “Trump is gonna install himself as lifelong dictator! Vance will inherit the throne! It’s the end of US democracy!!!”

i remember when my grandpa said the dems were gonna crown Obama as king.

And in that case… Dems might actually feel like they have to do a real campaign, rather than just bang the “orange fascist” gong a bunch more.

  • someone [comrade/them, they/them]
    5 months ago

    And in that case… Dems might actually feel like they have to do a real campaign, rather than just bang the “orange fascist” gong a bunch more.

    I’d actually bet on them continuing as the paid puppets of Wall Street, quietly propping up multiple Trump successors to split the base, and hoping that it’s enough to put them in power without either the popular vote or having to abandon their wealthy donors.