The first is biological and concerns speciation (statistical distributions of genetic material).
The second is normative, concerning transcendental traits, such as sentience and empathy; it has nothing to do with genes.
“Dehumanization” is a normative concept, not a biological one, by definition. There is nothing special about being a particular species of animal, such as a homo sapien, but there is something special about consciousness and the capacity to suffer. To pretend otherwise is precisely to dehumanize, you evil moron.
you can’t dehumanize nonhumans
There are two senses of the word “human.”
“Dehumanization” is a normative concept, not a biological one, by definition. There is nothing special about being a particular species of animal, such as a homo sapien, but there is something special about consciousness and the capacity to suffer. To pretend otherwise is precisely to dehumanize, you evil moron.
non humans cannot be dehumanized. it is tautological.
Well, then by your definition all sentient creatures are “human.” Congrats, you’re a cannibal.
I never accepted your definition
your semantic games won’t change the facts