In a heartwarming story that will certainly have consequences for decades to come, little boys everywhere felt their hearts soar on Tuesday as American voters elected Donald Trump, showing the young ones that they, too, could someday grow up to be the most powerful sexual predator in America.
It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just that your effectively telling them to play in traffic.
Disengage, separate, distance.
And you’re telling them to be quiet and keep their heads down. Fuck that.
Ridiculous. I never said that, I’m Focusing on you coaching them into picking fights they will not win.
There’s self respect, advocacy, and imbalanced physical confrontation. The message is the former, the action is the latter. Punching angry, motivated, much stronger opponents FIRST is not going to work. It’s Dwight shrute shit.
All I’m reading is excuses for misogynistic little piss boys who couldn’t take a punch. These are school kids. I refuse to have my daughters begin life being silent because its dangerous. Thats the world we live in. We have to fight for fucken basic rights again.
Dude. My comment history reflects my position on the woeld clearly. That’s not it. I’m not defending shit aside from calling out you are putting your girls at risk with disadvantage. It’s not that they shouldn’t fight back, it’s that if they do as you say they will lose in every possible way.
I’m contesting the idea that a lone target of a fascist group should hope to succeed either physically or systemically on their own.
The proper play is to work as a team, organize, and use the power of the group to protect the at risk in individuals.
Even if they get away, they started a fight. They will be chewed up by the system via no tolerance ruling.
You aren’t grasping the concepts. If you teach them to recoil now thats how they will live their lives. I see the abuse play out in my office with women who are silent all the time. Fuck that. They dont be wired that way. I dont care about your history. In this instance, your advocating shutting the fuck up and keeping your head down. Thats not freedom.
I hear you. I’m actually trying to communicate here. Encouraging a kid to strike a kid will not get the result you want. It was already risky advice before when the person was just an asshole, not a politically backed asshole.
You’re choosing not to read half my comments where I describe more effective methods of response.
Organize. Fascist groups, (and more simply bullies) thrive on evoking individual response, singling them out, and playing the system against them. This doesn’t even touch on physical response. Encourage documentation, strength in numbers, and systemic isolation of attempting fascist elements.
I am NOT saying put your head down.
This is basic protest knowledge: do not be isolated. Do not strike out alone. You will be overwhelmed.
I get what you are saying too. But this isn’t some movement or big protest where I send my child out in the streets to fight men. This is to combat the every day misogyny my oldest one is about to come to face during the Trump presidency as she begins to come of age. She’s going to run into boys that think she’s an object. She’s allowed in my eyes to sock these kids and nip that shit at the bud before it continues. Thats my stance on it. She’s not putting a bandana around her face. I’ve done this myself when I was in school and I was a tiny 90 pound nerd. Every bully I socked for my friends stopped right there. They’ll be fine.
I’m saying the game has changed. This isn’t an era any of us have experienced with childhood bullying.
I’m not saying your kid doesn’t deserve to stand up for themselves.