Chuck E. Cheese is now selling pizza under a different brand.

    2 years ago

    Yup. This was it for me. Ordered a burger from a no name local place. It came in a Red Robin bag and container. Apperantly they gave no fucks. Since then if I found a place, and it turned out to be real, I just marked it with the heart. Anything not marked it either a big name chain restaurant, or it’s suspect. Especially since we also know about ghost kitchens where it’s one place posted under at least 10 different restaurants.

    Edit: Just for shits and giggles, I just loaded up the app. First place I didn’t recognize I checked and Google shows it in the middle of an industrial complex. No restaurant signs anywhere to show where it’s at.

    Then I saw “the burger den”, which another person said is Dennys. Google maps takes it to Dennys