US based apps that’s are end-to-end encrypted where you control the private keys cannot physically share as they won’t have access. Even if it’s in their cloud.
If the nice people at the FBI show up to your door with a warrant from a secret court set up by Trump shows up to your office telling you either implement a backdoor in your app or everyone goes to jail forever, what do you do?
until they get forced to issue an update that steals your key.
assuming you installed the app from google play.
since for a few years now google holds the signing keys that are used for verifying that the app has not been tampered with, the app developer is not even needed for this. google can make the changes, sign the app with the key they already have, and push an update to your phone.
US based apps that’s are end-to-end encrypted where you control the private keys cannot physically share as they won’t have access. Even if it’s in their cloud.
If the nice people at the FBI show up to your door with a warrant from a secret court set up by Trump shows up to your office telling you either implement a backdoor in your app or everyone goes to jail forever, what do you do?
the devs don’t even need to know about it. google has the app signing keys, they can make a change anytime they want. read my reply to their comment
Start blasting.
until they get forced to issue an update that steals your key.
assuming you installed the app from google play.
since for a few years now google holds the signing keys that are used for verifying that the app has not been tampered with, the app developer is not even needed for this. google can make the changes, sign the app with the key they already have, and push an update to your phone.