Only The Best for Travel!


Create an image showing a form of transportation to make jaws drop! Mass transit or a personal ride. No matter what, you are asked to spare no expense in your designs!

Voting process

Everyone can submit their image to this post. At the end of the week all images will be collected and shared in a new voting post wherein people can vote on their favorite image. This will be up for at least 24 hours before a winner is made.

There are no extra points to be earned, OP will decide on a winner in case of a tie.


  • Follow the community’s rules above all else
  • One comment and image per user
  • Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
  • Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged but not required (we’re all here for fun and learning)
  • OP will declare winner in case of a tie
  • The challenge runs for at least 7 days from now on
  • Down votes will not be counted
  • Voting and final scoring will be done in a separate post.


At the end of the challenge the image with the most votes, wins!

The winner gets to pick the next theme. As always, have fun everyone!

    4 months ago

    That’s an interesting topic, because I had my idea from a dream I had last night. Not the most original image, but it was fun to try and reproduce something from a dream.

    I recently travelled to Europe, and I’m a big tall guy and was really uncomfortable for 8 hours of travel. And last night, I dreamt that I was in a slightly futuristic plane, that was much wider than regular planes. It had 12 or 16 seats in width, with enough room to be comfortable. The top half of the plane was made of glass and we could see outside.

    The plane could take off from an inclined platform, most like Princess Vespa’s ship in Spaceballs :)

    Here’s what I was able to do. The only difference with my dream is there should be many more seats per row.

    Prompt : The inside of a very wide airplane. It doesn’t look very futuristic, just slightly better than today’s planes. The top half of the plane is made of glass, and we can see the a clear sky through it. It’s very sunny inside. The floor is covered with blue carpet. The seats are individual, all aligned, about a dozen per row, and they are white and blue. The plane is full of travelers. People have screens they can use for leisure.