The damage is done! Hundreds of thousands fell for this fucking kids analysis. This person spent a shit ton of time promoting Whitmer. No pushback from the Chapo Boys. Did they not know? Or just not care?
This MFer promoted Harris a fuck ton in terms of being electable and popular. We’re better than this. What happened? Millennials wanted to be feel young by being around young folks? Or the lack of Matt letting this shit get out of hand? I really gotta know. I’m furious.
Now this scumbag is pretending they get to play both sides. Shit aint’ right, but I see people embracing the lies. FUCK THIS.
He was Hasan’s stream on election night and was tearing Dems a new one; didn’t seem bad then.
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The person above may not have seen or heard everything you have, the hostility is unnecessary
You’re right, I just hate this guy so much. That comment just shows his narrative spinning and bullshit lies work. People assume he’s good, but he frequently ends up simping for capital, specifically the for profit healthcare aspects when it comes to his FAVORITE politician Whitmer.
Using social media he has convinced the politically uninformed as well as socialists that there are “effective” or good moderate centrist libs. Simped hard for Kamala and pieces of shit like Whitmer, Roy Cooper, Beshear, etc. It’s like he forms these narratives to bring people in and makes sure they don’t go too far left (if you’ve ever been in the substack or discord you will know what I am talking about). He really pushes the “electability” angle (or pushed, bc his shit fell apart on election day) of moderates. Just gross.
Guy spent so much time pretending Harris was a winning candidate and a decent person. How tf did our favorite casters fall for this POS?
And now people are defending this idiot and are pro Whitmer. Just a disgrace that the Chapo folks had them on and helped his evil shit get popular. Shame.
What’s the problem with Whitmer? I’m not tuned in.
Her family is heavily connected to the health care lobby. Her father was a leader at Blue Cross Blue Shield and a healthcare lobbyist got her to run in the first place. She of course took aggressive anti-m4a stances.
Oh yuck! I heard she’s been really good for the school system there though, more than a lot of libs do at least.
I don’t remember him trying to say she was decent at least on CTH did he say that on twitter? because I would have screamed back at the podcast
I heard him in July getting hyped up. He is “center left” and pretended his crappy neoliberals were the future. I believe it was the July the 3rd or 4th podcast and several others. He is scum, and it’s insane they let him on.
I’ll go re-listen I bet that will be hilarious knowing how bad her loss was
DO IT. It sucks the Chapo gang is reaching Pod Save territory
45 mins in and I’m logging off. I got a lot of shit on here, deservedly so. But it’s so embarrassing anyone would even defend this anti m4a piece of trash. Including our podcasters. We don’t deserve better. You’re fake as fuck if you thiink I went too far with some jokes but defend an actual pro harris liberal. I hate it here.
he’s fine, chill out
He fuckin sucks. Guess his healthcare lobbyist promoting ass is good at trucking people like you
Weird how you’re okay with a Whitmer supporter, but I still respect you
MikeFromPA was completely correct about this kid. he seems like a fine enough young kid who has a lot of reading to do and also shouldn’t be in front of hundreds of thousands of people. a shitposter if you will. (i am not on twitter, i do not read tweets, please do not come at me for some inane shit this guy might have said about healthcare or something, i agree he sucks. i think people like him because he has the same speaking cadence and a similar voice to felix biederman.) but Mike was right about this guy’s complete unfamiliarity with the general practice of polling. no one, not even campaigns, benefit from everyone’s polls being wrong. even fox news wants their polls to be right. nate bronze is a joke, but his math is like, basically fine. you have like ettingermentum saying stupid shit about models using bad polls, but a good model will use a low quality poll with appropriate weighting and get better results. which is what happened. don’t want to see this kid again until he’s an actual socialist or something though. which…