• papalonian@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Thank you for reading the part where I said that I didn’t take any issue with your comment, it’s context, or what you said.

    But funnily enough, your response reads much like what I was talking about in another comment… angry people on the internet, hurling insults at those they’ll never meet, for the crime of expressing their struggles online.

    I expressed zero animosity to you, instead joining your joke at OOP’s expense, while lamenting a common frustration. Your immediate response is to defend your statement (despite it not being attacked), and try to further cut down someone who is just trying to talk about what’s bothering them. That’s unfortunate.

    I’ll briefly summarize a story from The Buddha, in which he is approached by an angry man who accuses The Buddha of being a know-it-all, telling others how to live their lives, etc.

    The Buddha asks, “if I gave you a gift which you did not accept, to whom does the gift belong?” to which the man replies, “it belongs to you, for it came from you, but I did not accept it.”

    The Buddha then says, “Then, like my gift, I reject your anger. It belongs only to you now, and you are the only one who must live with you anger.”

    I suspect you won’t bother reading a majority of my response, and will either ignore it or try to respond to it with more insults, but you’ll have to try calling other people names (and come up with some more clever ones!) if you want anyone to accept the gift you’re offering! Have a nice night.