gossip, like the community, right?
it’s been used for ages to knock down and silence women. when you call something gossip, it feels like you’re brushing it off as unimportant, like it’s just a bunch of emotions and no real substance. This stupid attitude is part of a bigger picture where women’s thoughts and feelings are not only doubted but also stripped away of their power in society.
when we talk about gossip, it’s usually women who get the bad rap, while guys just slide by, calling their chats “networking” or “”“important discussions”“”, or whatever the fuck. this double standard makes women look petty and shallow, while guys get praised for doing the same things. the outcome? A toxic vibe that quiets women’s voices, suggesting their honest talks are weak, while giving men’s conversations a sense of importance.
labeling women’s talks as gossip has serious consequences, controlling and limiting their social and political clout. history shows how women’s experiences often get pushed aside, and this fucking term helps silence their truths. by labeling women talking about social issues, personal struggles, or systemic problems as just gossip, we take away their weight and make people doubt women’s real experiences.
plus, when women come together to share their stories - no matter if they’re happy, sad, or fighting back - those moments get brushed off as just tittle-tattle-chit-chat instead of recognized as acts of unity or solidarity (obligatory spooooooky leftist terminology). this kind of thinking just pushes the idea that women’s views aren’t as valuable as men’s, keeping a flawed gender hierarchy in place that holds back the rich range of female voices.
tldr calling something “gossip” isn’t just an insult; it’s a way to disrespect women’s voices, weaken their power, and keep gender inequality alive. and leftist spaces like hexbear shouldnt see it as a good thing to name a community after.
i obviously don’t think that the old the_x_tank
-names should be reinstated, the extremely problematic connections of those terms have been laid out quite clearly and we should absolutely have a zero tolerance policy towards the shot they represented. some user im not bothering to look up suggested the_peoples_court
( ) , maybe that would be an option.
and yes, this is a new acc, but the reasons for its creation have nothing to do with the current struggle sesh. the name of my old acc was implicating my opsex and i decided to be more careful with my online presence
I’ve definitely heard it used dismissively against women, but I think it’s become less gendered due to it being used by parts of the gay community and their increased representation. I haven’t encountered it really being used by or about cishet men though, so I wouldn’t say it isn’t still dismissive of femininity.