The only survivor of the October 24 fire was a woman in her 20s who was able to get to safety after a quick thinking passer-by smashed a window of the burning Model Y car to free her
Depending on the manufacture date, the side windows on the model Y may be laminated glass. If that’s the case with yours, window smashers won’t work on those.
a rule the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) passed in 2011. It’s known as Ejection Mitigation, and it requires a combination of side airbag curtains and stronger windows to keep occupants inside the car during a rollover.
Jesus Tapdancing Christ, that’s what a fucking seatbelt is for. What the fuck is going on with the NHTSA? They’re the reason why cars are huge and getting bigger, and now they want them to be crematoriums as well?
Depending on the manufacture date, the side windows on the model Y may be laminated glass. If that’s the case with yours, window smashers won’t work on those.
Are you fucking kidding me? The only laminated glass that should be on a car is the windshield. Everything else should be tempered.
This is not just a problem with Tesla, but a requirement by NHTSA
Jesus Tapdancing Christ, that’s what a fucking seatbelt is for. What the fuck is going on with the NHTSA? They’re the reason why cars are huge and getting bigger, and now they want them to be crematoriums as well?
Clearly Musk wants people to die.