Just about every episode of MASH I’ve seen, somebody claims that they hate Korea, or that they hate the stupid Army, or that they don’t even know why they’re at war. I don’t get it. Why don’t they all go home? If nobody wants to work there, how come they never leave?
Please respond with wrong answers.
Rosie’s bar has been micro-dosing everyone with opium. They get “home sick” when they try to leave camp for more than a day or two. The doctors and hot lips know. But the addiction has them too far gone to fight it anymore.
“Be it ever so crumbled, there is no place like home.” Darkest one so far. Awesome!
At least Radar got out!
Does henry dying count as him leaving?
Too little too late! Legend has it, he could never look a bottle of Grape Nehi in the eye again