• anon6789@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I went to look at your comment. I’ll be polite and summarize it instead of sharing the exact quote.

    I was 18 and had a 17 year old girlfriend and we had a ton of sex. That’s what 17 year olds do.

    If you don’t understand how the power dynamics are different between 2 nobodies of similar age vs a 17 year old and a 38 year old federal representative and his local gov buddy, you may want to read some things written about consent written in the last decade.

    When I was 17, someone almost 40 was considered old as hell.

    Edit: Article on coercion vs consent

    They had her out of state, where she likely didn’t really know where she was, likely had no one to get help from if she felt she was in a bad situation, and was there with very much more adult authority figures, and there were drugs at the party, so she may have also been under the influence.

    You also can’t fault someone for taking time to want to testify. She probably felt at least partially responsible, and he is a national figure. It takes time to get up courage to open yourself up to the whole world getting a chance to say things like you must have wanted it or did something to deserve it.