yes i did a os one but i am wondering what distros do you guys use and why,for me cachyos its fast,flexible,has aur(I loved how easy installing apps was) without tinkering.
yes i did a os one but i am wondering what distros do you guys use and why,for me cachyos its fast,flexible,has aur(I loved how easy installing apps was) without tinkering.
I wonder how hard is it to download apps on Glibc-free systems, On Systemd-free systems ik there is Flatpack and stuff , asking this bcs many apps on Linux only work on Glibc.
I personally haven’t ran into any yet, tbh I have more issues with SystemD dependent apps (Also keep in mind Alpine packages and maintains apps in their repo so they don’t require GLIBs/SystemD)
Ohh, so only open source apps and closed source apps that work on non glibc/systemd then ig
I managed to get Steam working with some work, heroic games launcher worked with no extra effort, and everything in the repo is good (Alpine is independent)
I remember hearing somewhere steam doesnt work on musl,So i assume you used flatpack steam.
Yeah, I just need to add an argument before the command. I set up an alias so its simple to launch.
Knew it
Is that usable for regular Joe or enthusiast grade?
I wouldnt call it enthusiast grade, every day usage is easy but installation can be tough (it gives you a barebones system).