As a person who does this job I have to say I have zero sympathy for the entitlement expressed in this thread and find no fault in any parking job these people use to save themselves the extra 50 steps x 200 places a day they have to deliver to. If you don’t feel safe going around then you can fucking wait the literal minute it takes for them to walk back and forth.
You feel entitled to them literally wearing their bodies down to dust for your convenience because you think of them as lesser human beings to yourself and you need to do self crit immediately.
You’re a genuinely disgusting person and that fact is only deepened with the inclusion of this snide passive aggression. Oh wow no shit you’re not willing to put your own body, comfort, and time on the line to “just unionize Amazon lol” but you’ll use it as a backhanded excuse for why my needs are less important than your wants. Champagne liberal status: scratched.
I work hard within my own union, that I’ve been a proud member of for 25 years. The passive aggressive snide comment was because you aren’t worth engaging with in good faith. Amazon hurts you and you are taking it out on everyone else rather than blaming the real problem.
Wow no shit you haven’t been engaging in good faith. As I said, and you have now explicitly confirmed, you’re a piece of shit.
Real fucking labor solidarity hours with you blaming me for my working conditions because I haven’t personally unionized the largest company in the world. Malicious fucking moron.
And since you insist on dragging this hostility out, fucking scab labor aristocrat, how the fuck is being unionized supposed to improve my working conditions when they’re determined by the neighborhoods I’m working in and not the company? You’re just fucking stupid. You’re selfish and indifferent to other people’s problems and you want your fucking treats and you don’t want a single fucking consequence that comes from it. You want it to fall on me.
And you know you’d get your ass beat if you acted this way in person.
Jajaja. Man you are a whiny little turd. You want to talk about entitled. You think you are entitled to put other peoples lives at risk to save a few steroids for yourself. Bicyclists are making a real attempt to better themselves and the world, and you think putting them at real risk of death is justified in order to dance yourself a little time. You are the real piece of shit here. You’re starting tone was a clue but you doubling down is the clincher. Real labour solidarity involves looking out for others even when it would be an inconvenience. You have shown you have no intention of doing that and only care about yourself. Who’s the scab now.
Real labor solidarity is making workers jobs more dangerous and damaging to themselves so that rich people can do recreation without a minor inconvenience.
My first response to this was expletive-laden, but I think I might get through to you if I reign it in, so I’m trying to be polite here. Just understand that I am seething with rage while I type this.
Hey there friend. You need to learn to park or stop driving. Seriously, you’re endangering lives for your convenience. You get the whole damned road while everyone else is allocated the slightest fraction to safeguard ourselves from drunks, assholes, and morons pushing two tonnes of steel and glass at 60mph while they stare at their phones and you think it’s ok to push kids on bikes into that channel of death because you can’t be bothered to look for a legit parking spot? I get that your employer is pressuring you for better times, but you’re literally breaking the law and that law exists for a reason.
Every one of the 4 of the drivers I saw that day were parking on the cycle lane when they had multiple more reasonable options available to them:
The driveways of those receiving the packages
Around the corner in a safer area where parking spaces are allocated by the city for just this situation
Blocking the road. I understand that this seems crazy to someone who spends so much time on the road, but blocking a car lane is an inconvenience. Blocking a cycle lane gets people killed.
What you’re doing is lazy, selfish, and dangerous. Those cycle lanes are barely safe as they are without constantly being blocked by selfish people who think that they double as a parking space. You already have nearly the entirety of the city for your vehicle. Leave these alone.
Acting like you’re doing a favor by being seething and condescending instead of openly hostile isn’t being civil, you spoiled fucking child. Just demonstrating your complete lack of self awareness.
You’re guilty of everything you’re accusing me of. For your convenience you want to sacrifice my safety. You’re entitled and selfish. You genuinely think you’re more important than other people. You think I’m a bad person because I don’t want to be treated that way. Grow the fuck up.
I told you to walk away until you calmed down and could accept the possibility that you’re wrong. You couldn’t do that. Do you think I’m being unfair when I call you a spoiled narcissistic child in this context? If you do you’re exactly as stupid as you’ve demonstrated so far.
The problem is suburbs and single family homes. They want all of the convenience and infrastructure of living in a city they just want it spread out to the point they never have to interact with anyone else. Give me a centralized community center where people go to get their deliveries and it solves everybody’s problem.
Don’t be stupid. The obvious implication of setting your own convenience above someone else’s health and safety is that you think you’re above them. Fuck off with this concern trolling you smarmy twerp.
An infantile ‘no u’ that’s to be expected from a stupid, spoiled child. I’m trying to do a physical fucking job with as little damage to my body as possible. But no matter how many times you hear the consequences you put on the health and safety of other people, your fucking spoiled entitlement and positioning your humanity over others causes you to interpret it as “convenience.” This is projection. You can’t be fucking bothered to wait a few seconds. That’s literally a complaint about convenience. But you’re human and I’m not so the scales must be tipped in your favor, hence your mental gymnastics.
I wonder if you can understand that I’m replying to your comment without quoting the entire thing word for word. Dope.
I wish they’d just use the postal service. In Canada they’ve set up nice secure package boxes and leave a key in your normal (also secured) mailbox. And if it takes a few days to arrive, so be it.
They should change extra for packages too large or urgent for Canada Post and use that money to hire professionals that understand not everything revolves around their delivery schedule and that random cyclists that happen to be passing through the area have nothing to do with their orders.
What an amazingly spoiled child you are. Framing your entitlement as a law of nature that mustn’t just be kowtowed to but needs to be ‘understood’
And your framing of ‘professionalism’ as just being willing to accept more wear and tear on their bodies for no other reason than to ‘understand’ the world revolves around YOU. Because you’re too fucking important and privileged to be delayed a few seconds or god forbid turn your precious neck to look over your shoulder. Champagne liberals. Me me me.
A car lane is dedicated to the through traffic of cars. Similarly a bike lane is dedicated to the through traffic of bikes. If it is truly such a nothing burger to wait one minute, surely you would have no problem stopping on the car lane either and telling drivers to wait. And yet I have never seen a delivery driver attempt this - probably because it is considered socially acceptable for drivers to honk at shout at anyone blocking their way. Not so for cyclists, even though they are the more vulnerable road users.
Perhaps you could also stop at a bus stop and tell the bus driver to wait a minute. Or you could stop in a stranger’s driveway while they are attempting to leave. Or hey, stop on a train track. Let me know how that goes for you. It’s only a minute, right?
As a person who does this job I have to say I have zero sympathy for the entitlement expressed in this thread and find no fault in any parking job these people use to save themselves the extra 50 steps x 200 places a day they have to deliver to. If you don’t feel safe going around then you can fucking wait the literal minute it takes for them to walk back and forth.
You feel entitled to them literally wearing their bodies down to dust for your convenience because you think of them as lesser human beings to yourself and you need to do self crit immediately.
Maybe you guys should unionise so you don’t have such shit working conditions.
Maybe you should shut the fuck up if you’re not willing to proletarianize yourself and salt the workplace yourself.
Sound like you have enough salt for the both of us. I don’t know who shit in your cornflakes, but you’re really obnoxious.
You’re a genuinely disgusting person and that fact is only deepened with the inclusion of this snide passive aggression. Oh wow no shit you’re not willing to put your own body, comfort, and time on the line to “just unionize Amazon lol” but you’ll use it as a backhanded excuse for why my needs are less important than your wants. Champagne liberal status: scratched.
I work hard within my own union, that I’ve been a proud member of for 25 years. The passive aggressive snide comment was because you aren’t worth engaging with in good faith. Amazon hurts you and you are taking it out on everyone else rather than blaming the real problem.
Wow no shit you haven’t been engaging in good faith. As I said, and you have now explicitly confirmed, you’re a piece of shit.
Real fucking labor solidarity hours with you blaming me for my working conditions because I haven’t personally unionized the largest company in the world. Malicious fucking moron.
And since you insist on dragging this hostility out, fucking scab labor aristocrat, how the fuck is being unionized supposed to improve my working conditions when they’re determined by the neighborhoods I’m working in and not the company? You’re just fucking stupid. You’re selfish and indifferent to other people’s problems and you want your fucking treats and you don’t want a single fucking consequence that comes from it. You want it to fall on me.
And you know you’d get your ass beat if you acted this way in person.
Jajaja. Man you are a whiny little turd. You want to talk about entitled. You think you are entitled to put other peoples lives at risk to save a few steroids for yourself. Bicyclists are making a real attempt to better themselves and the world, and you think putting them at real risk of death is justified in order to dance yourself a little time. You are the real piece of shit here. You’re starting tone was a clue but you doubling down is the clincher. Real labour solidarity involves looking out for others even when it would be an inconvenience. You have shown you have no intention of doing that and only care about yourself. Who’s the scab now.
Real labor solidarity is making workers jobs more dangerous and damaging to themselves so that rich people can do recreation without a minor inconvenience.
Hey there friend. You need to learn to park or stop driving. Seriously, you’re endangering lives for your convenience. You get the whole damned road while everyone else is allocated the slightest fraction to safeguard ourselves from drunks, assholes, and morons pushing two tonnes of steel and glass at 60mph while they stare at their phones and you think it’s ok to push kids on bikes into that channel of death because you can’t be bothered to look for a legit parking spot? I get that your employer is pressuring you for better times, but you’re literally breaking the law and that law exists for a reason.
Every one of the 4 of the drivers I saw that day were parking on the cycle lane when they had multiple more reasonable options available to them:
What you’re doing is lazy, selfish, and dangerous. Those cycle lanes are barely safe as they are without constantly being blocked by selfish people who think that they double as a parking space. You already have nearly the entirety of the city for your vehicle. Leave these alone.
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This is what I get for trying to be civil. You’re a terrible person and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Acting like you’re doing a favor by being seething and condescending instead of openly hostile isn’t being civil, you spoiled fucking child. Just demonstrating your complete lack of self awareness.
You’re guilty of everything you’re accusing me of. For your convenience you want to sacrifice my safety. You’re entitled and selfish. You genuinely think you’re more important than other people. You think I’m a bad person because I don’t want to be treated that way. Grow the fuck up.
I told you to walk away until you calmed down and could accept the possibility that you’re wrong. You couldn’t do that. Do you think I’m being unfair when I call you a spoiled narcissistic child in this context? If you do you’re exactly as stupid as you’ve demonstrated so far.
Stop projecting
You should read Marx, you know, educate yourself. Those delivery drivers are agents of the bourgeoisie, and class traitors don’t deserve respect.
Entitled treat hogs want their shit in 24 hours and they want all the consequences to fall on the people ‘lower’ than them. Fuck them.
The problem, my dear, is Amazon.
The problem is suburbs and single family homes. They want all of the convenience and infrastructure of living in a city they just want it spread out to the point they never have to interact with anyone else. Give me a centralized community center where people go to get their deliveries and it solves everybody’s problem.
That’s also a problem. Most of the people on Fuck Cars also acknowledge that suburbanism is not sustainable, and want denser communities.
Nobody here has used the word “lower”, you’ve conjured that word up. Do you think perhaps you might be projecting?
Don’t be stupid. The obvious implication of setting your own convenience above someone else’s health and safety is that you think you’re above them. Fuck off with this concern trolling you smarmy twerp.
Setting their own convenience above everyone else’s health and safety is what these Amazon drivers have done.
An infantile ‘no u’ that’s to be expected from a stupid, spoiled child. I’m trying to do a physical fucking job with as little damage to my body as possible. But no matter how many times you hear the consequences you put on the health and safety of other people, your fucking spoiled entitlement and positioning your humanity over others causes you to interpret it as “convenience.” This is projection. You can’t be fucking bothered to wait a few seconds. That’s literally a complaint about convenience. But you’re human and I’m not so the scales must be tipped in your favor, hence your mental gymnastics.
I wonder if you can understand that I’m replying to your comment without quoting the entire thing word for word. Dope.
I wish they’d just use the postal service. In Canada they’ve set up nice secure package boxes and leave a key in your normal (also secured) mailbox. And if it takes a few days to arrive, so be it.
They should change extra for packages too large or urgent for Canada Post and use that money to hire professionals that understand not everything revolves around their delivery schedule and that random cyclists that happen to be passing through the area have nothing to do with their orders.
What an amazingly spoiled child you are. Framing your entitlement as a law of nature that mustn’t just be kowtowed to but needs to be ‘understood’
And your framing of ‘professionalism’ as just being willing to accept more wear and tear on their bodies for no other reason than to ‘understand’ the world revolves around YOU. Because you’re too fucking important and privileged to be delayed a few seconds or god forbid turn your precious neck to look over your shoulder. Champagne liberals. Me me me.
Ok lol now I realize you’re just trolling and probably aren’t even a delivery driver. Almost had me going for a sec there gg.
Oh no a selfish piece of shit that openly wishes harm against me is going to fuck off quick let me take a picture of my employee badge no pls don’t go
This is OK
This is ridiculous
This is not OK.
The only problem in either of these is the guy jumped up on the curb
The second picture has the bike lane separate from the road and the bus blocks all visibility to pass it.
I peek around the side of one of these things into traffic at least 100 times a day. Fuck off.
A car lane is dedicated to the through traffic of cars. Similarly a bike lane is dedicated to the through traffic of bikes. If it is truly such a nothing burger to wait one minute, surely you would have no problem stopping on the car lane either and telling drivers to wait. And yet I have never seen a delivery driver attempt this - probably because it is considered socially acceptable for drivers to honk at shout at anyone blocking their way. Not so for cyclists, even though they are the more vulnerable road users.
Perhaps you could also stop at a bus stop and tell the bus driver to wait a minute. Or you could stop in a stranger’s driveway while they are attempting to leave. Or hey, stop on a train track. Let me know how that goes for you. It’s only a minute, right?
When they put the bike lane in the middle of the street and the car lanes on the sides, I’ll do that
BTW I know the people in here are white because they want to play dress up cop