It is the crystallisation of all the hours of abstract human labour power contained within it, duh.
A miserable pile of secrets
Bit idea: it’s the Vampire Killer but it’s made out of linen and there’s a little pillow at the end and you use it when you’re pillow fighting with the fellas
But enough discourse, have at you
1/20th of a coat
5% of a coat
you take a bolt of linen, measure a yard and cut it
A breathable weave of flax.
Well linen is a cloth made from the fibers of the flax plant and I guess a yard of it would be 3 square feet
Makes me wonder what the total surface area of all my clothes is
Its impossible to understand what a yard of linen is without comparing it to another commodity not of itself.
Thinking we need some kind of universal equivalent to enable the trade of commodities because I’m losing track of it all.
I don’t know what that would be… but while I think about it, I’mma put on my coat and go for a walk.
It’s like a meter of fabric
$16.49 in the United States
It’s a space besides a house where you grow linen from linen seeds