I used mods like litematic, item scroller, minihud and carpet (stackable shulkers) it runs really well on the deck… I built all the blocks separately in creative and did the build in survival, it has taken hundreds of hours and still going
Looks lovely! Reminds me I should get back to my world soon :)
It’s always fun comming back after a break
It most certainly is!
That’s really trippy! Great work
Thanks mate, it’s been quite the grind tbh, I’m really happy with how it looks though
Awesome work!
Thank you!
Looks lovely! Didn’t think the deck could handle mods but looking at the specs, makes sense.
I wonder if my modpack I’ve been playing works on deck so I could at least get a few more things done while watching kids (the pack being Enigmatica 6 Expert, works on 1.16). It’s a chunky pack though, so I’m doubtful.
Quick edit: was reminded of my pack because of the big tree. E6E ends with a giant tree growing in your base you have to nurture with obscene amounts of stuff you automate.
Yeah, I mainly play on the deck, played a bunch of mod packs and they honestly work great. EDIT: I don’t recommend a controller mod though, just emulate mouse and keyboard through steam, works and feels way better
Noted! I never like playing with controller so that’s the other thing, but some tasks really don’t require precision clicking.
Honestly I’m the same, but I love minecraft and I love the deck, being able to just pick it up a play it for 5 minutes or a couple hours whenever is the reason I kept playing it and it feels great, I’ve designed big redstone builds and because I can macro keyboard shortcuts on the deck, there is nothing I haven’t been able to do on the deck, Honestly I hole heartedly recommended giving it a go, it’s a great experience for me
Thank you!
Looks amazing
Wow that’s awesome, reminds me of the old Minecraft console battle map
Damn. I’m impressed. How often do you get disoriented moving around and thinking things are smaller than they are?
Haha yeah I hopped on and played the world on my main pc, that was the first real Time it tripped me out and it was kinda surreal haha… and yeah its always fun when I leave the build and come back after a while wheather I’m doing something in the nether or whatever… it’s definitely my favourite build by far and biggest
Just realized it can record gameplay
It’s not that it went under your nose; they literally just added that in recently (like 3 or 4 days ago it came out of beta).
I think I missed this update
I’m impressed, it’s not to performance heavy and it keeps alot of detail, really good in my opinion
Yeah I tested it in beta and all I got was a black screen, this video was literally the test I did to record lol, I probably would have cleaned up the build a little haha