Yes. If it were just that, I’d be fine with it. But on top of paying them, every streaming service has their own app, website, whatever structure and I lose the priviledge of having my own digital library with my own search function integrated into my home automation and if we see that as a luxury, alright, then they’re giving me 720p maximum because my computer doesn’t match whatever they want me to buy and use for consuming their offers.
Piracy is a convenience problem, not a money problem.
Netflix removed Star Trek Discovery from one season to the next. Paramount wanted to have all Star Trek on their streaming service. Sure, I could have just switched to Paramount but just for that one series? Nah, just pirated it.
What makes you think that you are entitled to all that for free? Want to own stuff? Then buy physical media and there is also Bandcamp for music. Don’t want any of this? Then don’t listen or watch.
Netflix enshittified their service over time for Linux users. So they reduced their service while increasing prices and thus I enshittified my payments by stopping them.
We are all playing a board game where the rules say billionaires win every time. You either keep pretending that our society is just and keeping to the rules the capitalist class wrote is good for society, or you can also realize that everyone does what they can get away with and the “lost profits” of Netflix et al. are just as much collateral damage as homeless people we refuse to house because REIT line go up.
Yes. If it were just that, I’d be fine with it. But on top of paying them, every streaming service has their own app, website, whatever structure and I lose the priviledge of having my own digital library with my own search function integrated into my home automation and if we see that as a luxury, alright, then they’re giving me 720p maximum because my computer doesn’t match whatever they want me to buy and use for consuming their offers.
Piracy is a convenience problem, not a money problem.
Netflix removed Star Trek Discovery from one season to the next. Paramount wanted to have all Star Trek on their streaming service. Sure, I could have just switched to Paramount but just for that one series? Nah, just pirated it.
What makes you think that you are entitled to all that for free? Want to own stuff? Then buy physical media and there is also Bandcamp for music. Don’t want any of this? Then don’t listen or watch.
Netflix enshittified their service over time for Linux users. So they reduced their service while increasing prices and thus I enshittified my payments by stopping them.
We are all playing a board game where the rules say billionaires win every time. You either keep pretending that our society is just and keeping to the rules the capitalist class wrote is good for society, or you can also realize that everyone does what they can get away with and the “lost profits” of Netflix et al. are just as much collateral damage as homeless people we refuse to house because REIT line go up.