Been into Interior Chinatown. Very cool concept and a solid cast.
Silo - it’s an often silly show based on an often silly book. I rewatched S1 in a binge to remind myself, but the one-a-week eeking out of S2 is killing me (might just wait for the season to finish - it’s not really a popular enough show to have to worry about spoilers).
Working on The Good Doctor. So far it’s just another medical drama but it’s good background noise.
Silo S2, Based On A True Story S2, and just started The Day Of The Jackal.
Say Nothing. It’s a tough watch, very bleak, but I think it does a great job of painting a picture of the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
I misread this as Say Anything and got really confused by the rest of your comment.
The Good Place. It’s both hilarious and teaches me about philosophy, a topic I traditionally hate, in a fun way. And Kristen Bell just nails the role.
One of my comfort shows with one of the best endings I’ve ever seen in a tv show. ❤️
To anyone reading this who hasn’t seen it yet, please do yourself a favor and give it a try.
No shows, but I watched a couple of Sasha Baron Cohen films (Brüno and Borat Subsequent Moviefilm)
Started Dune Prophecy and Silo S2.
I watched Jack Ryan. People generally agree the 4th season wasn’t as good as the rest of the show but I thought it was just fine. Great show overall.
From, Silo, Dune.
The Bite, 2021 From the makers of The Good Fight, Evil, Braindead