Tough times.
The American people understand that our economic and political systems are rigged. They know that the very rich get much richer while almost everyone else becomes poorer. They know that we are moving rapidly into an oligarchic form of society.
The Democrats ran a campaign protecting the status quo and tinkering around the edges. Trump and the Republicans campaigned on change and on smashing the existing order.
Not surprisingly, the Republicans won. Unfortunately, the “change” that Republicans will bring about will make a bad situation worse, and a society of gross inequality even more unequal, more unjust and more bigoted.
Will the Democratic leadership learn the lessons of their defeat and create a party that stands with the working class and is prepared to take on the enormously powerful special interests that dominate our economy, our media and our political life? Highly unlikely.
They are much too wedded to the billionaires and corporate interests that fund their campaigns.
Given that reality, where do we go from here? That is the very serious question that needs a lot of discussion in the coming weeks and months.
How do we expand our efforts to build a multi-racial, multi-generational working class movement?
How do we create a 50 state movement, not politics based on the electoral college and “battleground” states?
How do we deal with Citizens United and the ability of billionaires to buy elections?
How do we recruit more working class candidates for office at all levels of government?
Should we be supporting Independent candidates who are prepared to take on both parties?
How do we better support union organizing?
How do we put together listening sessions around the country that intentionally seek input from people who did not vote for Democrats in the last election?
How do we best use social media to build our movement and combat the lies and disinformation coming from the billionaire class and right wing media?
How do we build sustainable and long-term issue-based organizing structures that live beyond individual campaigns?
These are some of the political questions that, together, we need to address. And it is absolutely critical that you make your voice heard during this process.
Not me. Us. That is the only way forward.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders
What do we think? Considering all of the selling out he did from 2016 onward, only for none of it to be successful, I think there’s actually a possibility that he recognizes that his “legacy” is in danger. I’m actually so interested in hearing what the Hexbear community has to say about this that I’m legitimately excited to post it lmao
I agree but that’s neither here nor there
Here and there we can continue to build solidarity. Reaching here… and supporting local guerrilla efforts from this episode… BTB episode on local, effective militia for Disparate groups to achieve a goal
Trusting Robert “Federal” Evans to give you advice on this topic?
I think the episode had an interesting/useful take on this. I still have a lot of deprogramming work to do… How bad is Robert from behind the bastards?
He works with Bellingcat, which is essentially a CIA op, and has bragged about working with the FBI before (supposedly that was to identify domestic terrorists aka fascists). He also has terrible takes on every AES state, Ukraine, and mostly follows the US state department line despite calling himself an anarchist.
Doing ad reads for BetterHelp was scummy too, that company is awful from what I’ve heard. Just the amount of alone was enough to get me to stop listening to his show, tbh.
Thanks for the explanation. I’ll give it some more thought and reading.
For BtB, I benefitted from learning about shitty people in history but I am realizing there was not a single episode I remember that provided nothing but futile sentiments like ‘Start a revolution…Or be Contrarian…Or whatever’ to thinking ‘why aren’t we discussing the root problem’.
The root problem seems to be unequivocally capitalism and colonialism/imperialism. Addressing the root problem presents opportunity for material gain. I haven’t read sufficiently on AES or ECOWAS to form an understanding there, but I see sufficient reason to drop that podcast and enjoy my efforts from better content.
His style of writing and comedy is effective and fun but I’ll look for better entertainment sources.
To my original intention for commenting, there’s a lot of work to do and I think leveraging strengths of disparate groups is worth a think… Rather than having a full accord, with everyone, to make material gains.