Jap, I’ve been a fan since the beginning. I even played survarium. I have all of the games on steam and physical (minus this one) so I’m a die-hard GSC fan. I was quite pissed when they took that MS exclusivity deal because I saw this happening a mile away. I knew they were going to be forced to release a substandard version to slot in MS’s calendar rather than when they felt it was ready. I’m happy to buy it down the line when it is more of a complete work and physical editions hopefully enclose a stable self contained game rather than needing an extra 140GB download to play the game I already paid for.
AI’s current writing style on topics like this, is to repeat the same thing in subtly different ways. If you find yourself reading the same paragraph 3 times in a row, then it’s probably AI.
Redundancy is one tell, for sure. But another sign of AI slop is writing like this:
“While STALKER 2 can be a compelling experience even with inconsistent performance and a multitude of bugs, the continued presence of these problems could hinder the game’s chances at success.”
It reads like a middle school essay. Words for the sake of words, that don’t really mean or convey anything. Baby’s first thesaurus.
I can no longer tell whether terribly written articles are written by terrible writers, terrible AI, or terrible writers using terrible AI.
It’s screenrant, all of the above apply.
Otherwise I’ll follow Ralph’s and ACG’s advice and will wait for a sale for this. It may be ok in 1y.
Waiting makes sense- as beloved as the first one is, didn’t that one take a while to get stable?
Jap, I’ve been a fan since the beginning. I even played survarium. I have all of the games on steam and physical (minus this one) so I’m a die-hard GSC fan. I was quite pissed when they took that MS exclusivity deal because I saw this happening a mile away. I knew they were going to be forced to release a substandard version to slot in MS’s calendar rather than when they felt it was ready. I’m happy to buy it down the line when it is more of a complete work and physical editions hopefully enclose a stable self contained game rather than needing an extra 140GB download to play the game I already paid for.
AI’s current writing style on topics like this, is to repeat the same thing in subtly different ways. If you find yourself reading the same paragraph 3 times in a row, then it’s probably AI.
Redundancy is one tell, for sure. But another sign of AI slop is writing like this:
It reads like a middle school essay. Words for the sake of words, that don’t really mean or convey anything. Baby’s first thesaurus.