Idk, this is just some rant post but this thing keeps fucking happening to me, it just happened to me. I will find out someone online or someone whose work I’m interested in or someone I was talking to is essentially and irreversibly reactionary
I’m sure the guy who makes these is also fucking brainwormed somehow but there’s a XKCD comic about the constructed language “Lojban” that I’ve been learning that goes like this:
[Cueball and Black Hat are having a conversation.]
Cueball: If you learned to speak Lojban, your communication would be completely unambiguous and logical.
Black Hat: Yeah, but it would all be with the kind of people who learn Lojban.
And it’s so fucking real. Just ughhh idek where to begin, so lemme start “here” as in Lemmy or the libiverse. The only other Lojban speaker I could find on here is on the fucking furry porn instance we aren’t federated with lol. Btw, I forgot this person’s pronouns and I don’t even wanna go look at this person’s profile again (you will see why) so I will do this, sorry: le furry porn instance Lojban speaker ku goi ko’a (I bind free variable “ko’a” to refer to this person)
But I was like, okay, ko’a seems kinda off (ko’a translates everything ko’a says from Lojban to English even though ko’a is Amerikkkan and speaks English natively) but that’s fine, I like weird, weird is often good, ko’a is autistic, I’m autistic, maybe I will message ko’a and say hi. Then I go to ko’a’s linked Github profile and find out ko’a is a literal fed, as in ko’a openly works for intelligence services , mildly afraid to even mention ko’a but ko’a can’t be that high up right? Ko’a has an acct on the furry porn instance linked to ko’a’s fed shit lmao. Ko’a’s listed job description is much more ominous and creepy in Lojban than in English btw which I don’t wanna go into here but yeh
. Not even getting into ko’a’s other brainworms here but I read ko’a’s stuff a while ago
Okay, there’s no speakers I want to talk to here, fine, fine, it’s very obscure, I was lucky to find the fed on here if anything. So I go to the chat/IRC and find out it is infested with insufferable techbros who DON’T EVEN SPEAK PARSABLY VALID LOJBAN, one of whom is basically an open misanthropic blue fascist, who believes in like… an unelected Democrat monarch to control the stupid masses or something
Regardless, I was asking some questions about my ongoing translation of “Combat Liberalism” in there, talked with someone for a while who was at least helpful but then my account on [unspecified platform bridged to the IRC, I’m sure you could find but whatever lol, there’s nothing publicly visible] was reported for spam and then I was no longer allowed to speak in any groups. The only thing I can think of for why this happened is some lib, too cowardly and too pathetic to disagree with me in the open, mass reported everything I sent and got my account basically temp-banned. Wild right? Yet somehow not unexpected. Also pointless cuz I just logged on to the real IRC and kept my conversation going lmao. Oh and btw, ko’a is in the chat too ugh
Okay, okay, whatever it’s fine it’s fine, I should expect this. What about the people on the Wiki or in the Logical Language Group that, is at least supposed to, develop(s) Lojban? So I was reading through some of the articles and profiles on the wiki and they are much better. Then I somehow ended up at the personal website and blog of an LLG member, who was once the lead person or president or whatever of LLG to read about his takes on libertarianism and the age of consent among other things I forgot
. Or I read the takes of the insufferable Randian logicians on the wiki which somehow are often okay on limited aspects of the language yet they are also Randians who should be purged
This is not the first time this has happened to me, this basically constantly happens to me cuz of my weird nerd interests who I must share with some of the worst people on the planet
It’s so fucking exhausting dealing with these overwhelmingly white, massively techbrained, toxic, insufferably cishet men and all their brainworms. No wonder most people who can even speak Lojban are like this, yet I persist for some reason
Idk, there seem to be some people in the community which are cool but yeh
Didn’t even result in an ideological struggle hehe