Mine stopped working yesterday too, it just needs an updated patch version. There is a new version of the revanced manager that I think requires a manual download/update first and then the youtube apk version to apply the patches on is 19.43.41
I tried patching it yesterday, nothing changed but today I got an update on revanced and the suggested youtube version has also changed. After patching with the 19.43.41 version it seems to be working again.
Both newpipe and libretube stopped working for me. I’m now using grayjay
YouTube ReVanced still works phenomenally.
Weird, since yesterday revanced doesn’t seem to work anymore for me so I went back to newpipe.
Mine stopped working yesterday too, it just needs an updated patch version. There is a new version of the revanced manager that I think requires a manual download/update first and then the youtube apk version to apply the patches on is 19.43.41
I tried patching it yesterday, nothing changed but today I got an update on revanced and the suggested youtube version has also changed. After patching with the 19.43.41 version it seems to be working again.
Settings > ReVanced > Misc > turn off Spoof client to iOS.
Sometimes requires a re-patch to the newest APK they support
This is weird… Where did you get your APK? From F-Droid or their website? The F-Droid version is always one or two versions behind the main repo.
Try updating to the latest version via their website/GitHub.
I get it from fdroid. I might follow your advice and get it from github. I thought fdroid follows GitHub
Edit: maybe I will use accrescent instead of fdroid from now on
Add the newpipe repository to fdroid for faster updates
Or use a fdroid client like droid-ify where the newpipe repository can enabled with just a toggle and not a somewhat difficult to find url
Revanced extended still works for me as well
I use a fork called Bravenewpipe. It adds filters and Sponsorblock. It’s brilliant!
updates with Obtainium (Get Android app updates directly from the source) https://f-droid.org/packages/dev.imranr.obtainium.fdroid/
Use obtatanium on fdriod, you can pick latest apk that way
Newpipe hasn’t stopped working… If it errors, just close the video and refresh your VPN
I’m using a fork called pipepipe. It has worked pretty well for me so far and has some extra features including sponsorblock
I’ve been using a fork called Tubular too. When I meant newpipe, I referred to tubular as well
+1 for PipePipe! I love it and it Just Works®. Quick updates too.