What do you think the solution is for the growing number of people who aren’t in work?
I do think that helping people get into the best job for them is a good goal, so here’s hoping the investment in job centres helps.
On the other hand, boy do I wish we could talk about redistribution and shifting the tax burden away from income and towards assets. But so much as hint at these policies and you’re tarred as a filthy communist.
Corporation tax is the route. The flat tax that it currently operates in sees tiny companies paying a much bigger slice of income relative to conglomerates which play tax avoidance. We have to raise it, to encourage investment instead of buybacks and dividends (this is usually wages, most businesses are people businesses. But could also see technology investment into automation), and close the offshoring of profits. Easier said than done, but if you operate in the UK, selling to UK customers, and pay <1% tax - looking at you Bezos, but also Asda, and Dyson, and plenty of others. You need to pony up, invest, and play on a level playing field with mom & pop
A universal Government job guarantee, 40hrs a week, you can choose less hours if you want and you get paid minimum wage if you do atleast 30. Government can put the people to work directly or into training/apprenticeship. Have it be a legal right, see article 40 Soviet constitution.
Pop the housing bubble, landlords have too much power; build more social housing etc. Don’t cut pensions and increase spending on NHS drastically to compensate for decades of austerity.
Of course, none of that is going to happen because U.K. because its political system is at a dead-end.
And Soviet communism is not a dead-end? 🤔
Other countries (eg India) copied different aspects of the Soviet constitution. Learn something from it. And what the other commenter said.
Europe including U.K. in the 1960s-1970s had such an implicit job guarantee btw, though not as a right.
Just look at how the living standards in the west have declined since the dissolution of USSR and rise of neoliberalism. See https://redsails.org/concessions/
No, it was extremely successful and boasted the fasted rate of economic growth in human history while also defeating the most devastating invasion of all time, until it was illegally dissolved against the wishes of its people in a violent CIA-backed coup, leading to the worst humanitarian disaster since the second world war.
The rich ghoul fuck who wears gifted suits telling the cold, the hungry and the poor, telling them over and over to get back to work while their world crumbles. What a classic case of fucking around
Have you tried turning it off
and turning it on again?