What’s authoritarianism, and how does a country do it?
Critical support to the most inherently fascist vehicle type
I know when I’m bested.
This is not true
Can you name a single non-“authoritarian” state, please?
Like, with pneumatic pressure
deleted by creator
It puts the Gaza on it’s skin, or else it gets the Trump again.
The most obvious mainstream facet of the “Orcs” narrative is this unquestioned assumption that once the Ukrainian coup government is defeated, the Uruk-Hai Russian horde will sweep forward like hungry locusts and devour the World of Men Europe.
They’re still comrades even if they are miss guided
This is unironically the nicest and most reconciliatory anti-tank post I’ve ever seen. We have different assessments but neither of us are writing off the other as stupid or an LLM, which is actually a breath of fresh air. The bar for political discourse may be in hell these days, but I still appreciate your clearing it.
As for where our views diverge, I would like to understand the nature of the divergence. I guess my main question is: what decides your ideology’s position on the spectrum?
Toxicology results showed that Jennifer’s blood alcohol content was over the legal limit at the time of the crash,[11][35] and that both Sarah and two of the children had diphenhydramine in their systems.[35] Sarah had made Google searches before the crash, inquiring about the lethality of Benadryl and the nature of death by drowning.[34] Her searches also included “No-kill shelters for dogs”; the family’s two dogs were found inside the Hart family home.[41] The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Department officially closed the case and released declassified records in 2019.[42]
Holy shit, they killed the kids and spared the dogs. They cared more about the dogs. Absolutely satanic.
If any theory linkers see this, also know that an unclicked link in a big arguepost against liberals is just as effective as a clicked one. They inspire dread in the uninformed, and make the more self-conscious ones reconsider their belligerence for fear of being dunked on
I like the accidental hybrid tactic thing we have: Heavy Arguers in front, Theory Linkers behind them, and a swirling vortex of PPB Skirmishers all around
I think because admitting to that would undermine the whole propaganda basis for their genocidal rampage. I would go so far as to say that the doctrine seems put in place to create just such a situation out of any one flare-up. The “it’s coming right for us” of ethnostate policy.
The gap in understanding was really something to behold, like being Dracula and every once in a while some villager shows up with a wooden crucifix and some prayed-over creek water, thinking they’re gonna be the one to banish the monster.
Flips to page one Ah, we should pull their funding! Why didn’t I think of that?
Oxford-Cambridge Silicon Valley
Look I’m as optimistic as the next mad scientist, but at a certain point the number of sex offenders is going to hit what’s called “saturation point”
We’re all figments of Paul Pelosi’s imagination
"Let them be brought out of our country and let them live there for a while and see how they like it. You’ll see crime all over the country
dry up"absolutely skyrocket.
Hunter told his dad about rocket jumping, who told Trump
BRB mounting even brighter lights pointing out behind me