Today, in Monterey Park, California, President Biden will announce an Executive Order with the goal of increasing the number of background checks conducted before firearm sales, moving the U.S. as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation. The Executive Order will also keep more guns out of dangerous hands by increasing the…
Spoken like only a clueless European that thinks what they read is how it actually is here. Sad.
Remind me, how many European toddlers shot another toddler this year?
Makes no difference, you don’t punish the law abiding for what less than the 1% does. How many people die every year thanks to irresponsible alcohol use and DUI’s? Is Prohibition the answer? Should the 99% not be able to have a glass of wine or beer after work because a minorty decided to be immature asshole? How about everybody lose their drivers license? Blame the car while you’re at it. Do spoons make people fat? Where does your broken logic end?
There’s not a responsible gun owner alive that would ever advocate for children getting their hands on a gun, or even untrained unsafe adults from owning and carrying them. We have a social issue where sick people don’t get the help they need because all the signs are there and nobody cares, a legal system run by people like our now vice President that refuse to take criminals off the street, and a child protective services that won’t remove kids from homes they shouldn’t be in. Much easier from a political standpoint to blame everything other than the problem because laws are easy to enact, and doing so shuts up the ignorant people who do what you’re doing, too bad it does nothing to solve the problem.
An equally statistically irrelevant amount
They probably can’t hear you over the sound of children not getting shot in their schools.