Mark my words, in 100 years we’ll look back at urinals like we look back at communal toilets in Rome where you shared a shit covered sponge to wash your ass. Why use a urinal when you can just use the toilet? Do you like having other people’s pee splatter all over you? It’s a barbaric practice. I will make sure urinals are abolished once i am made the general secretary of the central committee of the communist party of the fucking world republic

  • ManFreakBeast [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Fenway Park used to have these horrible open trough urinals that were like a 12 foot wide urinal with no dividers and had a line most of the time. When the smallest hole opened people behind you would want you to be hip to hip with other people pissing.

    The Renn Faire has these too. Imagine this but with a guy in a jester costume.