The salary is shit, but the work seems way more in line with my morals and principles than 90% of other SaaS jobs I could think of - I’d be working with nonprofits to set up business mgmt software. The company pretty much ONLY deals with nonprofits, which is cool to me cause it’d be a job where I actually feel, in a roundabout way, that id be doing good and helping people. Also the fact that I’m willing to take an interview the day after Thanksgiving shows I’m serious and scores me extra points with them.
Pls send your energy!
sending some niko dunk energy your way
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Take my energy, Corgi!
Still sending my energy until next Friday!
“There’s no rule saying dogs can’t
play basketballwork in IT”On the internet, no one knows you’re a dog
Big ups to you and I hope it goes smoothly.
You got this
yessssas gogogogogo ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Salary is not shit compared to lots of other things, I promise you there’s a good living to be had.
Get that bagggggggg
Death to America
Hope you land this interview and the 16 other interview after it!
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