They’re permitted their own parking spaces closest to the entrance at some businesses here, probably the same ones that build U.S. flag and troop worship displays out of soda 12-packs, or restaurants like Chick-fil-A that set up empty “fallen soldier” tables:
There’s one at the store near me and if I’m driving for whatever reason I’ll always take it if it’s empty. Nobody’s called me out on it yet but if they do I’ll call them sissypee traitors for questioning muh service
Excuse me what the fuck?
Did you massacre a village in Vietnam 50 years ago? Here’s a parking spot for you!
Also known as my parking if it’s open, if da troopz are so tough they can walk to the store
They’re permitted their own parking spaces closest to the entrance at some businesses here, probably the same ones that build U.S. flag and troop worship displays out of soda 12-packs, or restaurants like Chick-fil-A that set up empty “fallen soldier” tables:
Every day on this site I find new reasons to hate america
It’s usually closer to the store than the pregnant mothers’ spot
There’s one at the store near me and if I’m driving for whatever reason I’ll always take it if it’s empty. Nobody’s called me out on it yet but if they do I’ll call them sissypee traitors for questioning muh service