It’s finally happened, my OnePlus has been through with me thick and thin, but this is the second time a screen has broken. The first was a major break, this time it’s just a row of dead pixels, it was really dim until I did a dead pixel repair program, that seemed to make it worse by unlocking whatever pink hell this is and making it fully kill the line of pixels. IDK. This is a OnePlus 8 pro, the one I got before they killed software support only 3 years in and the last “root friendly” one they made.

Think it’s worth it to get another whole screen and attempt a repair? Or rather sell it as is and try to get an upgrade.

End of an era I swear

    3 months ago

    Alright with a streak like that I gotta ask. Does Duolingo deserve the hate? How much have you actually learned and can you understand French well enough to listen to French speakers?

    To answer your tech question tho. I’d say it’s all up to you depending on your budget if you upgrade or repair.